Kristie Booker

Author of Heartfelt Women’s Fiction

When I sat down to write my latest novel, Summer in the Moon Garden, I never imagined the journey it would take me on—both creatively and emotionally. The seed of this story was planted during a bittersweet reunion with my high school friends. We were a tight-knit group of five, brought together again under the shadow of devastating news: one of us had been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

During one of our weekends together, reminiscing about old times and creating new memories, my friends suggested I write a book about our group. We had always been a mischievous bunch, with more stories to share than time allowed. It seemed like the perfect foundation for a novel.

I already had a character in mind—Kat—but her story wasn’t fully formed. Inspired by our reunion, I had Kat return to her hometown after a long absence, only to discover that one of her childhood best friends was dying of cancer. It felt like a powerful premise, mirroring our own painful reality.

However, as I delved deeper into the writing process, I found myself at an emotional crossroads. Halfway through the draft, I realized the story I was telling was overwhelmingly sad. It didn’t feel right. The friend we were losing had always been the life of the party, brimming with more vitality than any of us. Her spirit seemed at odds with the somber tale I was writing.

That’s when it hit me—why not use the power of fiction to tell the story I wished were true? I asked myself, “What’s the opposite of dying from cancer?” The answer came instantly: winning the lottery. With renewed purpose, I scrapped my initial draft and started over.

In this reimagined version, I infused various characters with aspects of my friends’ personalities. But it was the character of Jess, the lottery winner, who became the heart of the novel. Jess embodies the spirit of my dear friend, who is no longer with us. Her philosophy of loving those around you, having fun, teaching others to do the same, and ultimately just doing whatever makes you happy, became the driving force of the narrative.

Through Jess, I could celebrate my friend’s life rather than mourn her loss. The novel became a tribute to her infectious joy and the profound impact she had on all of us. It’s a story of second chances, seizing life’s opportunities, and the enduring power of friendship.

Writing this book was a healing process for me. It allowed me to explore the ‘what ifs’ and create a world where our friend’s vibrant spirit lives on. While reality may not always give us the endings we hope for, fiction provides a canvas where we can paint our deepest wishes and brightest hopes.

My latest novel is more than just a story—it’s a celebration of life, friendship, and the indelible mark we leave on each other’s hearts. It’s a reminder that even in the face of loss, the memories we create and the love we share can continue to inspire and bring joy long after we’re gone.

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