Kristie Booker

Author of Heartfelt Women’s Fiction

I’ve always been drawn to the mystical and unknown. Growing up in the 80s—a golden era for supernatural horror—I developed an obsession with ghosts and the paranormal. I’d spend hours in our town’s cemetery, reading old tombstones and imagining the lives (and deaths) of those who came before us. Movies like “The Shining,” “The Exorcist,” and “Poltergeist” only fueled my fascination with the supernatural.

This curiosity about the unknown has been a thread throughout my life, influencing my storytelling and now, my latest novel, Summer in the Moon Garden. In my blog The Inspiration Behind My Latest Novel, I shared how the story was inspired by my childhood friendships. Growing up in a small town with limited entertainment, my friends and I often turned to ghost stories, Ouija boards, and our active imaginations for excitement.

You might wonder how I transitioned from ghostly tales to a heartwarming story set in a moon garden. The connection lies in the sense of mystery and the exploration of the unknown that both themes share. Just as ghost stories allowed me to ponder the mysteries of existence and the limits of human understanding, a moon garden offers a space for reflection, transformation, and encounters with the unexpected.

In the likely case that you’ve never heard of a moon garden, it is a magical space designed to be enjoyed at night, under the soft glow of moonlight. These gardens typically feature white or pale-colored flowers that seem to glow in the dark, plants with silver or gray foliage that shimmer in moonlight, night-blooming flowers like moonflowers or evening primrose, fragrant plants that release their scents in the evening, and reflective elements like water features or mirrors. The overall effect is a serene, almost ethereal atmosphere that invites quiet contemplation and wonder—not unlike the feeling of telling ghost stories under a starry sky.

In Summer in the Moon Garden, I’ve woven together my love for the mystical with the serene beauty of nighttime flora. The result is a story that explores personal growth, hidden secrets, and the magic that can unfold when we open ourselves to new experiences—all against the backdrop of a luminous garden that comes alive under the moon’s glow.

When I started planning Summer in the Moon Garden, I knew I wanted a setting that was both unique and symbolic. The moon garden offered the perfect blend of beauty, mystery, and metaphor. Here are five reasons why I chose this setting.

1. A Space for Transformation: Just as my protagonists Kat and Jess both undergo significant personal growth, a moon garden transforms from an ordinary space during the day to a luminous wonderland at night.

2. Symbolism of Cycles: The moon’s phases mirror the emotional journey of the characters, representing change, renewal, and the ebb and flow of life.

3. Sensory Rich Environment: The fragrant blooms, soft textures, and visual beauty of a moon garden provided a lush backdrop for sensory descriptions, allowing readers to feel fully immersed in the story.

4. A Retreat for Reflection: Moon gardens are inherently peaceful spaces, perfect for the moments of introspection and intimate conversations that drive the narrative forward.

5. Connection to Nature: In our fast-paced world, I wanted to explore the healing power of connecting with nature, which is a central theme of the book.

Researching moon gardens for this novel was a joy. I spoke with horticulturists, visited night-blooming gardens, and even planted a small moon garden in my yard last summer. These experiences deepened my appreciation for these magical spaces.

I can’t wait for you to experience of Summer in the Moon Garden for yourself. As you turn the pages, I hope you’ll feel as though you’re strolling through this enchanted space, experiencing its magic firsthand. The luminous flowers, the fragrant night air, and the revelations that unfold under the moon’s glow—all of these elements are woven into the story, inviting you to lose yourself in this nocturnal world.

Have you ever visited or created a moon garden? I’d love to hear about your experiences or what you imagine a perfect moon garden would be like!

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